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The Society of St Francis, Province of the Divine Compassion, is part of the worldwide Anglican Franciscan community, with brothers serving in Australia, Korea, and Sri Lanka. Rooted in the Gospel of Jesus and inspired by the simplicity of St Francis, we live a life of prayer, work, and study.

Our ministries reflect our commitment to embodying Christ’s love in the world. They include:

  • Offering hospitality and retreats

  • Providing spiritual direction and chaplaincy

  • Advocating for and working alongside people with disabilities and those experiencing marginalization

  • Engaging in traditional parish ministry and celebrating the sacraments

We warmly invite you to explore our website to learn more about our mission, community, and ways to connect. If you have any questions or feel called to visit one of our Friaries or the Hermitage, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Pax et Bonum

Explore our Life and Ministry

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Who was St Francis

Find out more about the life of St Francis, from merchant's son to Saint of Assisi.

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Our Story

Read about Our Story and the foundations in Dorset, England.

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About Us

Our Vision and Beliefs about our brothers, the church, the people we serve, and our leaders.

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Our Houses

Learn about our life and ministry and explore Our Houses, from quiet contemplative to active ministries.

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Is God calling you to a life of prayer and service in Community, to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, have you considered a Vocation to the religious life?

Connect with us

If you'd like to learn more about us, visit one of our Houses, or explore a vocation to the religious life, please don't hesitate to contact us.